The Lux Life x Anna and Paul Ice Cream Competition!

In order to raise money for the hospital and clinic workers of Luxembourg, The Lux Life is teaming up with Anna and Paul for a unique ice cream competition! We all miss many luxuries, and travel is definitely one of them; so we ask you to come up with an ice cream flavour inspired by a place you have visited or travelled to. It can be anywhere at all, get creative!How to enter:Donate €5 to thank keyworkers of Luxembourg to submit a flavour and then email with the flavour of ice cream and the place or memory that inspired it! The link to donate can also be found at€5 per flavour entry please)E.g "mango, coconut and chilli flavour - reminds me of my holiday on the beaches of Thailand"We will then choose the top 3 flavours for the public to vote! The winning flavour will be available to purchase at Anna & Paul Glacerie for a week. Please note that the deadline to submit your ice cream flavour is the 11th of May 2020.

During this Covid-19 period Anna & Paul Glacerie continues to deliver ice cream right to your door, for more information email 4B rue Pletzer, Bertrange. 



Thank you to the key workers of Luxembourg


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